Dear Friends
Do please also check in with the facebook page and website during the week as things do change!
A little word
May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge. Ruth 2.12
The book of Ruth is a story about faithfulness, love, and inclusion. There is so much in it and this Sunday we will look at one of its great lessons about expanding community. Ruth, a foreigner, comes to be part of God’s people. As a refugee she comes to belong. Some weeks ago, when I chose this reading, I had no idea just how appropriate it would be. If you have a chance, please read it beforehand. It is only four chapters and is all story and no doctrine!
Things to pray for
- Give thanks for the way you have been welcomed and included.
- for the situation in Afghanistan and the refugees coming here.
- our opportunities to practice hospitality and welcome
In-Church worship Sunday at 10am. Service of Morning Worship WITH SINGING – continuing with our theme of Love & Community.
Face coverings please and be especially conscious of how some people will still want to be cautious.
You can also watch by live-stream on the church facebook page
This week’s reading is: Ruth
5pm Outdoor worship, games and byo picnic in Abbeyfield Park
10am on Thursday
Holy Communion in Church
Service details
We are going to continue with our current Sunday morning pattern at 10am through September too. We don’t want to be changing constantly. Once the schools are back the children’s work will restart also. We will review it again for the Autumn during Sept.
Prayer Day – 18/9
- to give thanks?
- to reflect on our priorities?
- To simply be a quiet space where we can spend time with God after all the upheaval and trauma of the last eighteen months.
We’re looking at 18 September, 10am – 3pm. If anyone would like to be involved in planning and doing, please let Karen or Sara know.
Earlier week’s news
Previous editions of this news update are on the website if you can’t find it in your in-box.